Udesk API General Description
Fetch IM Conversation Records List
This interface is used to fetch multiple IM conversation records at once. Rate limit: 1 time/2 seconds
Request Method
GET /im/sessions/search
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
start_time | No | Record start time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. If not passed, it defaults to 00:00:00 of the query day. |
end_time | No | Record end time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. If not passed, it defaults to 24:00:00 of the query day. |
status | No | Session status (close) |
page | No | Page number, starting from 1, default is 1 |
page_size | No | Number of items per page, default is 30, maximum is 1000 |
The maximum time period from start_time to end_time is 30 days;
start_time and end_time default to the start time of the conversation when not specified, and when status=close, they are queried based on the end time of the conversation;
The format of start_time and end_time is "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", or "YYYY-MM-DD" without time.
Response Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Execution result code, 0 represents success |
message | String | Execution result explanation |
size | Integer | Number of items returned in this request |
total | Integer | Total number of data |
total_pages | Integer | Total number of pages |
item | Array | List of conversation records, see IM Data for details of each element |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/im/sessions/search?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
"status": 0,
"message": "success",
"item": [
"session_id": 1,
"sub_session_id": 1,
"note_id": null,
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_name": "Test User",
"customer_custom_fields": {},
"agent_id": 1,
"agent_nick_name": "Test Agent",
"created_at": "2015-01-01 12:00:00",
"closed_at": "2015-01-01 12:30:00",
"resp_seconds": 7,
"queue_seconds": "Not In Queue",
"sustain_seconds": 128,
"survey_vote_id": 1357334,
"belong_queue": "queue_company_6_group_331",
"agent_msg_num": 0,
"customer_msg_num": 0,
"source": "reocar.udesk.com",
"source_url": "https://demo.udeskt.cn/im_client/",
"queue_start_time": "2015-01-01 11:14:49",
"conversations_num_today": 4,
"platform": "web",
"organization_id": null,
"last_response": "customer",
"alert_num": 1,
"alert_desc": "Sensitive word once, response timeout, session timeout",
"ticket_num": 2,
"ticket_nos": "#140,#141",
"im_web_plugin_id": 1,
"sender": "customer",
"active_guest": "agent",
"menu_names": "Navigation menu",
"transfer_to_agent": "Whether the robot transfers to a human",
"robot_id": "robot id",
"robot_name": "robot name",
"close_method": "sys_close",
"robot_session_id": 1,
"resolved_state": "0",
"web_info": {
"login_url": null,
"session_url": "https://demo.udesk.cn/im_client/",
"keyword": null,
"src": "demo.udesk.cn",
"src_url": "https://demo.udesk.cn/im_client/",
"sys": "Win7",
"bowser": "Chrome56",
"generated_channel": null,
"ip": ""
"ticket_ids": []
"size": 1,
"total": 1,
"total_pages": 1
Fetch IM Conversation Details
This interface is used to obtain detailed information about an IM conversation.
Request Method
GET /im/sessions/im_sub_session
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
im_sub_session_id | Yes | ID of a single conversation |
Response Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Execution result code, 0 represents success |
message | String | Execution result explanation |
im_sub_session_log | Array | Details of the conversation record, see IM Data for details of each element |
im_log_infos | Array | Chat logs, see im_log_infos parameter description |
curl http://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/im/sessions/im_sub_session?im_sub_session_id=1234567&email=admin@udesk.cn&sign_version=v2&nonce=1646221853×tamp=1646221853&sign=ca821bef91abcd6057ff04024282edbae0856281
"status": 0,
"message": "success",
"im_sub_session_log": [
"session_id": 1234567,
"sub_session_id": 123456,
"note_id": null,
"customer_id": 123456,
"customer_name": "xxx",
"customer_custom_fields": {
"SelectField_32412442": [
"agent_id": 123,
"agent_nick_name": "xx",
"created_at": "2022-03-02 15:12:31",
"closed_at": "2022-03-02 15:13:20",
"resp_seconds": 28,
"queue_seconds": "Not In Queue",
"sustain_seconds": 49,
"survey_vote_id": 123,
"resolved_state_title": "Is the problem solved?1111111",
"resolved_state_name": "Resolved",
"resolved_state_value": "0",
"platform": "web",
"belong_queue": "queue_company_28480_agent_148002",
"agent_msg_num": 3,
"customer_msg_num": 2,
"source": "demo.udesk.cn",
"source_url": "https://demo.udesk.cn/im_client/?web_plugin_id=21&agent_id=12",
"queue_start_time": "2022-03-02 15:12:31",
"conversations_num_today": 1,
"agent_invite_vote_count": null,
"search_keyword": null,
"custom_channel": null,
"organization_id": null,
"last_response": "agent",
"alert_num": 1,
"alert_desc": "Sensitive word",
"ticket_num": 0,
"ticket_nos": null,
"im_web_plugin_id": 100042,
"sender": "customer",
"active_guest": "blank",
"menu_names": null,
"transfer_to_agent": false,
"robot_id": null,
"robot_name": null,
"close_method": "agent_close",
"robot_session_id": null,
"resolved_state": "0",
"web_info": {
"login_url": null,
"session_url": "https://demo.udesk.cn/im_client/?web_plugin_id=21&agent_id=12",
"keyword": null,
"src": "udesk-rd-bj-01.udesk.cn",
"src_url": "https://demo.udesk.cn/im_client/?web_plugin_id=21&agent_id=12",
"sys": "Win7",
"bowser": "Chrome75",
"generated_channel": null,
"ip": ""
"im_log_infos": [
"id": 4359638049,
"created_at": "2022-03-02 15:12:31",
"sender": "customer",
"user_id": 2618228342,
"content": "{\"type\":\"message\",\"data\":{\"content\":\"There is new consultation coming in。\"},\"im_sub_session_id\":632362082,\"is_welcome\":true}",
"session_id": 1234567,
"sub_session_id": 123456,
"survey_option_id": 1
"id": 4359638058,
"created_at": "2022-03-02 15:12:32",
"sender": "agent",
"user_id": 148002,
"content": "{\"type\":\"rich\",\"data\":{\"content\":\"<p><img src=\\\"https://pro-cs-freq.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/config/imtid28480/1111_1639730293210_js9ng.jpg\\\" /><br />This is the global welcome message, I will ask the group about rich text.</p>\"},\"push_type\":\"sys_welcome_msg\"}",
"session_id": 1234567,
"sub_session_id": 123456,
"survey_option_id": 1
Fetch Chat Logs for a Specific Customer
This interface is used to fetch chat logs for a specific user in one go. Rate limit: 50 times/60 seconds
Request Method
GET /im/sessions/customer_im_logs
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Limitation |
type | String | Yes | Type of condition for querying customers | No more than 255 characters |
content | String | Yes | Content of the condition for querying customers | No more than 255 characters |
start_time | Datetime | No | Record start time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. | |
end_time | Datetime | No | Record end time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. | |
page | Integer | No | Page number, starting from 1, default is 1 |
Condition types and content descriptions
Value | Corresponding meaning of content |
id | Customer ID |
Customer email | |
cellphone | Customer phone number |
token | Customer external unique identifier, corresponding value open_api_token |
weixin_open_id | Customer WeChat openid |
weibo_id | Customer Weibo openid |
The maximum time period from start_time to end_time is 90 days;
start_time and end_time query the creation time of im_sub_session;
The format of start_time and end_time is "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", or "YYYY-MM-DD" without time.
Response Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Execution result code, 0 represents success |
message | String | Execution result explanation |
size | Integer | Number of items returned in this request |
total | Integer | Total number of data |
total_pages | Integer | Total number of pages |
item | Array | Chat log list, details of each element as follows |
Item content
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
im_sub_session_id | Integer | im_sub_session's id |
im_log_infos | Array | Chat logs under im_sub_session, see below |
im_log_infos content
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | im_log's id |
created_at | Datetime | im_log's creation time |
sender | String | Message sender |
user_id | Integer | Message sender's id |
nick_name | String | Sender's nickname |
content | Array | Chat content, see below for details of the content's type |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/im/sessions/customer_im_logs?email=admin@udesk.cn&sign_version=v2&nonce=1646278574&sign=b361abcdb6a8a2a42cc137498515cb4054bf32f2×tamp=1646278574&start_time=2022-03-03 00:00:00&end_time=2022-03-03 23:59:59&page=1&type=id&content=43038556
Response Data
"status": 0,
"message": "Success",
"item": [
"im_sub_session_id": 123,
"im_log_infos": [
"id": 1234,
"created_at": "2022-03-03 11:32:59",
"sender": "customer",
"user_id": 123456,
"nick_name": "Jack",
"content": "{\"type\":\"message\",\"platform\":\"wechat\",\"data\":{\"content\":\"Hello!\",\"duration\":null,\"translation\":null}}"
"size": 1,
"total": 1,
"total_pages": 1
Fetch Chat Logs List
This interface is used to obtain chat logs information for a specified IM session. Rate limit: 1 time/2 seconds
Request Method
GET /im/sessions/log
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
session_id | Yes | IM session ID |
start_time | No | Record start time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. If not passed, it defaults to 00:00:00 of the query day. |
end_time | No | Record end time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. If not passed, it defaults to 24:00:00 of the query day. |
page | No | Page number, starting from 1, default is 1 |
page_size | No | Number of items per page, default is 30, maximum is 1000 |
start_time and end_time query the creation time of the chat logs; The format of start_time and end_time is "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", or "YYYY-MM-DD" without time.
Response Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Execution result code, 0 represents success |
message | String | Execution result explanation |
size | Integer | Number of items returned in this request |
total | Integer | Total number of data |
total_pages | Integer | Total number of pages |
item | Array | Chat log list, details of each element as follows |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Chat log ID |
created_at | String | Chat creation time |
sender | String | Initiator of the dialogue, values: "customer", "agent", "sys" |
user_id | Integer | Sender's ID |
content | String | Message content |
session_id | Integer | ID of the session to which the message belongs |
sub_session_id | Integer | ID of the sub-session to which the message belongs |
survey_option_id | Integer | Selected option ID |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/im/sessions/log?email=admin@udesk.cn&sign_version=v2&nonce=1646275242&sign=f72ee9e4f1ef9c925e677538465a76b1be27cd74×tamp=1646275242&session_id=4324143214&start_time=2022-03-03 00:00:00&end_time=2022-03-03 23:59:59&page=1&page_size=20
"status": 0,
"message": "Success",
"item": [
"id": 1234,
"created_at": "2022-03-03 10:39:02",
"sender": "agent",
"user_id": 17,
"content": "{\"type\":\"start_session\",\"data\":{\"content\":\"Customer service manually creates a conversation\"}}",
"session_id": 123,
"sub_session_id": 123456,
"survey_option_id": null
"id": 1235,
"created_at": "2022-03-03 10:39:05",
"sender": "agent",
"user_id": 17,
"content": "{\"type\":\"message\",\"font\":\"font-size:13px;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;color:#1f1f1f;line-height:1.4;\",\"data\":{\"content\":\"demo message\",\"richContent\":\"demo message\"},\"platform\":\"web\",\"version\":2,\"seq_num\":\"\"}",
"session_id": 123,
"sub_session_id": 123456,
"survey_option_id": null
"size": 2,
"total": 2,
"total_pages": 1
Fetch Satisfaction Survey Results
This interface is used to obtain satisfaction survey results for multiple specified time periods in one go. Rate limit: 1 time/2 seconds
Request Method
GET /im/sessions/vote
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Required | Description |
start_time | No | Record start time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. If not passed, it defaults to 00:00:00 of the query day. |
end_time | No | Record end time: If no hour, minute, and second are passed, they default to 00:00:00. If not passed, it defaults to 24:00:00 of the query day. |
page | No | Page number, starting from 1, default is 1 |
page_size | No | Number of items per page, default is 30, maximum is 1000 |
start_time and end_time query the creation time of satisfaction survey results; The format of start_time and end_time is "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", or "YYYY-MM-DD" without time.
Response Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Execution result code, 0 represents success |
message | String | Execution result explanation |
size | Integer | Number of items returned in this request |
total | Integer | Total number of data |
total_pages | Integer | Total number of pages |
item | Array | List of satisfaction survey results, see below for details of each element |
Satisfaction Survey Results
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier |
created_at | Datetime | Creation time |
session_id | Integer | ID of the session |
sub_session_id | Integer | ID of the sub-session |
survey_option_id | Integer | Selected option ID |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/im/sessions/vote?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
"status": 0,
"message": "Success",
"item": [
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2015-01-01 12:00:00",
"session_id": 1,
"sub_session_id": 1,
"survey_option_id": 1,
"resolved_state": "0",
"survey_remark": "Evaluation remarks",
"tags": "Evaluation label"
"size": 1,
"total": 1,
"total_pages": 1
Data Structure - IM
IM Conversation Record
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
sub_session_id | Integer | ID (same as im_sub_session_id) |
session_id | Integer | Session ID |
robot_session_id | Integer | Customer service system side robot session ID |
note_id | Integer | Business record ID |
customer_id | Integer | Customer ID |
customer_name | String | Customer name |
customer_custom_fields | Object | Customer custom fields, see below |
agent_id | Integer | Customer service ID |
agent_nick_name | String | Customer service name |
resp_seconds | Integer | Response time, in seconds |
queue_seconds | String | Queue time, in seconds |
sustain_seconds | Integer | Duration |
survey_vote_id | Integer | Satisfaction survey result ID |
resolved_state | String | Satisfaction - whether resolved, values: "0", "1", meaning resolved, not resolved |
platform | String | Channel, values: web, wechat, weibo, android, ios, api |
web_info | Object | Browser visit information, see below |
weixin_info | Object | WeChat visit information, see below |
weibo_info | Object | Weibo visit information, see below |
api_info | Object | API visit information |
ios_info | Object | iOS SDK visit information |
android_info | Object | Android SDK visit information |
created_at | Datetime | Creation time |
closed_at | Datetime | Closing time |
close_method | String | Dialog end method, values: "agent_close", "redirect_close", "sys_close", "customer_close", meaning customer service closed, transferred closed, system closed, customer closed |
belong_queue | String | Queue name |
agent_msg_num | Integer | Customer service message count |
customer_msg_num | Integer | Customer message count |
source | String | Source |
source_url | String | Source URL |
queue_start_time | Datetime | Queue start time |
conversations_num_today | Integer | Number of conversations today |
search_keyword | String | Search keyword |
custom_channel | String | Custom channel information |
agent_invite_vote_count | Integer | Customer service invitation count |
last_response | String | Last message sender, values: customer, agent, blank |
alert_num | Integer | Alarm count |
alert_desc | String | Alarm item |
ticket_num | Integer | Work order count |
ticket_nos | String | Work order numbers, separated by "," |
im_web_plugin_id | Integer | Source plugin ID |
sender | String | Initiator of the dialogue, values: customer, agent, sys |
active_guest | String | Visitor invitation, values: agent, sys, blank, meaning customer service, automatic, none |
ticket_ids | Array | Work orders corresponding to this conversation record |
organization_id | Integer | Company ID |
menu_names | String | Navigation menu names |
Customer Browser Visit Information
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
login_url | String | |
session_url | String | |
keyword | String | |
src | String | |
src_url | String | Same as source_url |
sys | String | |
bowser | String | |
generated_channel | String | |
ip | String |
WeChat Visit Information
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Customer WeChat nickname |
Weibo Visit Information
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Customer Weibo nickname |
API Visit Information
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
from | String | Fixed as "API" |
iOS SDK Visit Information
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
phone_modal | String | |
phone_version | String | |
app_name | String | |
network_status | String | |
carrier | String | |
scale_screen | String |
Android SDK Visit Information
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
phone_modal | String | |
phone_version | String | |
app_name | String | |
network_status | String | |
carrier | String | |
scale_screen | String |
IM Chat Log
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier |
created_at | Datetime | Creation date |
sender | String | Sender identity, agent or customer |
user_id | Integer | Sender ID |
content | String | Message content |
session_id | Integer | ID of the session to which the message belongs |
sub_session_id | Integer | ID of the sub-session to which the message belongs |
survey_option_id | Integer | Satisfaction survey result ID |
Error Code Description
Error Code | Message Information | Exception:Message Information | Description |
2000 | No customer service is online | None | No customer service is available, cannot create a session |
2065 | Your company cannot call this interface, please contact udesk technical support | None | The current company has not enabled the "Send Message Preview" feature |
9200 | null | None | Required parameters are not filled in |
Robot parameter error | None | Incorrect parameter {robot_id} or {scene_id} value, no data found | |
Missing parameter XXX, XXX | None | Required parameter {XXX} is not filled in | |
Rating XXX for non-existent or deleted session | None | Required parameter {im_sub_session_id} is not filled in or no value matched | |
Illegal rating | None | Required parameter {option_id} is not filled in | |
Cannot rate repeatedly | None | The session corresponding to parameter {im_sub_session_id} has already been rated |