

Event callbacks, also known as Webhooks, refer to the transmission of specific data in a fixed format to the specified callback address when a specific event occurs. Udesk's event callbacks support the following events:

Event NameDescription
Customer_createWhen a new customer is created
Customer_updateWhen a customer is updated
Customer_destroyWhen a customer is deleted
Organization_createWhen a new customer company is created
Organization_updateWhen a customer company is updated
Organization_destroyWhen a customer company is deleted
ImSubSession_createWhen a new IM sub-session is created
ImSubSession_closeWhen an IM sub-session is closed
ShutQueue_createWhen an IM queue is abandoned
AgentNote_updateWhen business notes are updated after IM session ends/CC call ends
ImSurveyVote_createWhen conversation satisfaction is saved

If you need to use Udesk's event callback feature, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Write code to implement the event callback processing interface and provide an event callback address;
  2. Call the set event callback address interface to set the event callback address for the implemented event callback processing interface;
  3. Call the set event callback type interface to set which event callbacks you need to receive based on your needs;
  4. Call the set event callback's content_type interface to set the content_type value based on your needs.

Writing an Event Callback Handling Interface

You need to implement this interface and meet specific requirements.

Udesk will make a POST request to the callback address you provide and will send the data in the request body (Request Body). The structure of the request body data is as follows:

actionStringEvent type
messageObjectEvent data

The message content varies for different events.

Customer_create Event

The data structure for the message field refers to Customer Data. Example:

  "action": "Customer_create",
  "message": {
    "id": 1,
    "nick_name": "Test User",
    "level": "normal",
    "description": null,
    "owner_id": 1,
    "owner_group_id": 1,
    "custom_fields": {
      "SelectField_1": ["0"],
      "SelectField_2": ["0"]
    "open_api_token": null,
    "organization_id": null,
    "is_blocked": false,
    "tags": [],
    "email": "customer@sample.com",
    "other_emails": [],
    "cellphones": [
        "id": 1,
        "content": "13000000001"
    "platform": "Manual entry"

Customer_update Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "id": customer_id,
  "changes": {
    "attribute_name": [original_value, new_value]

The attribute_name refers to Customer Data. Example:

  "action": "Customer_update",
  "message": {
    "id": 1,
    "changes": {
      "nick_name": ["test customer 1", "test customer 2"],
      "owner_id": [1, 2]

Customer_destroy Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "id": customer_id_deleted


  "action": "Customer_destroy",
  "message": {
    "id": 1

Organization_create Event

The data structure for the message field refers to Organization Data. Example:

  "action": "Organization_create",
  "message": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "test company 1",
    "domains": "https://www.test1.com",
    "custom_fields": {
      "TextField_1": "demo",
      "SelectField_1": ["0"]
    "description": "company description"

Organization_update Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "id": organization_id,
  "changes": {
    "attribute_name": [original_value, new_value]

The attribute_name refers to Organization Data. Example:

  "action": "Organization_update",
  "message": {
    "id": 1,
    "changes": {
      "name": ["test company 1", "test company 2"]

Organization_destroy Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "id": organization_id_deleted


  "action": "Organization_destroy",
  "message": {
    "id": 1

ImSubSession_create Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "id": newly_created_session_id,
  "im_sub_session_log": details_of_conversation_log


  "action": "ImSubSession_create",
  "message": {
        "id": 14980761,
        "im_sub_session_log": [
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "agent_id": 862,
          "customer_id": 117092,
          "platform": "weixin",
          "source": "weixin-xx",
          "weifeng": "weifeng_params",
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:45"

ImSubSession_close Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "id": session_id_closed,
  "im_sub_session_log": details_of_conversation_log,
  "im_log_infos": chat_log


    "action": "ImSubSession_close",
    "message": {
        "id": 14980761,
        "im_sub_session_log": [
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "note_id": 6541,
          "note_content": "subject",
          "note_custom_fields": {
          "note_template_id": "Business record template id",
          "note_template_name": "Business record template name",
          "customer_id": 117092,
          "customer_name": "xx",
          "customer_custom_fields": {},
          "agent_id": 862,
          "agent_nick_name": "xx_agent",
          "agent_email": "agent@udesk.cn",
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:45",
          "closed_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:59",
          "resp_seconds": null,
          "queue_seconds": "Not In Queue",
          "sustain_seconds": 14,
          "survey_vote_id": null,
          "platform": "weixin",
          "belong_queue": "queue_company_6_group_271",
          "agent_msg_num": 1,
          "customer_msg_num": 1,
          "source": "weixin-xx",
          "source_url": null,
          "queue_start_time": "2017-10-27 21:23:45",
          "conversations_num_today": 3,
          "agent_invite_vote_count": null,
          "search_keyword": null,
          "custom_channel": null,
          "last_response": "agent",
          "alert_num": 1,
          "alert_desc": "Sensitive word once, response timeout, session timeout",
          "ticket_num": 2,
          "ticket_nos": "#140,#141",
          "ticket_ids": [342342,24234],
          "im_web_plugin_id": 1,
          "sender": "customer",
          "active_guest": "agent",
          "weifeng": "weifeng_params",
          "close_method": "agent_close",
          "robot_session_id": 4303299,
          "resolved_state": "0",
          "curl_url": "https://demo.udesk.cn/im_client/?web_plugin_id=1",
          "customer_tags": ["customer tag1", "customer tag2", "customer tag3"],
          "weixin_info": {
            "name": "xx"
        "im_log_infos": [
          "id": 70161,
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:54",
          "sender": "customer",
          "user_id": 117092,
          "content": "{"type":"image","platform":"wechat","data":{"content":"https://dn-udeskim.qbox.me/022c4a12-4f83-492d-8e4d-5f04191e0058.jpg","duration": null,"origin_url":"https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/media/get?access_token=Z7kg69qvIqh_5-jZmzmKVgbt3mXP4pvmiNpqt_risTXuF1tOGw2bax9YaSVVQM4PR0HH_q7Fpou3PlYJhujH09xJxQyNmIhGYank_vmMxnEPTJfAHAWAQ&media_id=ObkKKAP5qS8wtFgXi1C2VMHKCZxQxxSvg1YVH2uHuDB_1HfORtcRf_3L2FmCUvO6"}}",
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "survey_option_id": null,
          "send_status": ""
          "id": 70158,
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:45",
          "sender": "agent",
          "user_id": 862,
          "content": "{"type":"rich","platform":"wechat","data":{"content":"<p>agent xx_agent is at your service.</p>","duration":null}}",
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "survey_option_id": null,
          "send_status": ""
          "id": 70157,
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:45",
          "sender": "customer",
          "user_id": 117092,
          "content": "{\"type\":\"message\",\"platform\":\"wechat\",\"data\":{\"content\":\"There is new consultation coming in。\",\"duration\":null}}",
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "survey_option_id": null,
          "send_status": ""
          "id": 70159,
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:48",
          "sender": "agent",
          "user_id": 862,
          "content": "{"type":"message","platform":"wechat","data":{"content":"Hello weixin","duration":null}}",
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "survey_option_id": null,
          "send_status": "arrive"
          "id": 70160,
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:52",
          "sender": "agent",
          "user_id": 862,
          "content": "{"type":"message","platform":"wechat","data":{"content":"normal","duration":null}}",
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "survey_option_id": null,
          "send_status": "arrive"
          "id": 70161,
          "created_at": "2017-10-27 21:23:59",
          "sender": "agent",
          "user_id": 862,
          "content": "{"type":"close","platform":"wechat","data":{"content":"xx_agent close chat","duration":null}}",
          "session_id": 8761,
          "sub_session_id": 14980761,
          "survey_option_id": null,
          "send_status": "arrive"
1、Dialogue end method-close_method:
"agent_close"    | agent close
"redirect_close" | transfer close
"sys_close"      | system close
"customer_close" | customer close
2、Message sending status-send_status:
"sending"        | sending
"arrive"         | arrive
"fail"           | send fail
"off_sending"    | Offline sending
"off_arrive"     | Offline delivery
"rollback"       | Recalled
3、robot chat ID-robot_session_id:
agent System-side robot session ID
4、Satisfaction - Has the issue been resolved?-resolved_state:
"0"              | Resolved
"1"              | Unresolved

ShutQueue_create Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

    "id": record_id,
    "customer_id": customer_id,
    "nick_name": customer_name,
    "queue_name": queue_name,
    "queue_type": queue_type,
    "queue_id": queue_id,
    "queue_start_time": queue_start_time,
    "queue_end_time": queue_end_time,
    "queue_seconds": queue_duration,
    "channel": channel,
    "im_web_plugin_id": source_plugin_id,
    "menu_names": navigation_menu_name


  "action": "ShutQueue_create",
  "message": {
    "id": "1",
    "customer_id": "46",
    "nick_name": "Beijing cloud-ark.cn Unicom (1535800080)",
    "queue_name": "Queueing agent name",
    "queue_type": "agent",
    "queue_id": "33",
    "queue_start_time": "2018-09-01 19:08:00 +0800",
    "queue_end_time": "2018-09-01 19:08:30 +0800",
    "queue_seconds": "30s",
    "channel": "web",
    "im_web_plugin_id": 1,
    "menu_names": "Navigation menu name"


  • If the queue is for an agent, queue_name will be the agent's name, queue_type will be "agent", and queue_id will be the agent's ID.
  • If the queue is for an agent group, queue_name will be the group's name, queue_type will be "group", and queue_id will be the group's ID.
  • If the queue is for a company, queue_name will be "company ", queue_type will be "company", and queue_id will be "company ".

AgentNote_update Event

The data structure for the message field varies depending on whether the update is for an IM conversation or a CC call. For IM conversations:

  "updated_at": update_time_to_seconds,
  "sub_session_id": conversation_id,
  "note_id": business_record_id,
  "note_content": business_record_title,
  "field_id": field_id,
  "field_title": field_name,
  "filed_value": updated_field_value

For CC calls:

  "updated_at": update_time_to_seconds,
  "conversation_id": call_record_id,
  "note_id": business_record_id,
  "note_content": business_record_title,
  "field_id": field_id,
  "field_title": field_name,
  "filed_value": updated_field_value

Example (IM):

  "action": "AgentNote_update",
  "message": {
    "updated_at": "2019-12-06 10:02:40",
    "sub_session_id": 4947,
    "note_id": 292,
    "note_content": "subject",
    "field_id": "SelectField_98",
    "field_title": "Complaint type",
    "filed_value": "0"

Example (CC):

  "action": "AgentNote_update",
  "message": {
    "updated_at": "2019-12-06 10:02:40",
    "conversation_id": 4947,
    "note_id": 292,
    "note_content": "subject",
    "field_id": "SelectField_98",
    "field_title": "Complaint type",
    "filed_value": "0"


  1. The business record update is only triggered after the conversation is closed.
  2. Business record updates through the API do not trigger event callbacks.

ImSurveyVote_create Event

The data structure for the message field is as follows:

  "created_at": save_time_to_seconds,
  "sub_session_id": conversation_id,
  "option_id": satisfaction_option_id,
  "option_name": satisfaction_option_name,
  "tags": satisfaction_labels,
  "remark": remark_value


  "action": "ImSurveyVote_create",
  "message": {
    "created_at": "2019-12-06 10:13:04",
    "sub_session_id": 4947,
    "option_id": 1234,
    "option_name": "Very satisfied",
    "tags": "tag1,tag2",
    "remark": "remark example"

Setting the Event Callback URL Interface

This interface is used to set the event callback URL. Authentication: See Authentication Methods

Request Method

POST /set_url

Request Parameters (Request Body)

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
push_urlYesStringEvent callback URL

Return Data

Attribute NameTypeDescription
codeIntegerExecution result code, 1000 represents success
push_urlStringModified event callback URL


curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/set_url?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '
    "push_url": "https://www.demo.com/push_url"


  "code": 1000,
  "push_url": "https://www.demo.com/push_url"

Setting the Event Callback Content-Type Interface

This interface is used to set the content type for event callbacks. Authentication: See Authentication Methods

Request Method

POST /set_push_content_type

Request Parameters (Request Body)

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
push_content_typeYesStringThe content type for event callbacks

Note: push_content_type can be passed as JSON, and the corresponding return value is a JSON string. The default value is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

Return Data

Attribute NameTypeDescription
codeIntegerExecution result code, 1000 represents success
webhook_push_typeStringThe structure of the callback response


curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/set_push_content_type?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '
    "push_content_type": "JSON"


  "code": 1000,
  "webhook_push_type": "JSON"

Setting the Event Callback Type Interface

This interface is used to set which event callbacks need to be received. Authentication: See Authentication Methods

Request Method

POST /set_permissions

Request Parameters (Request Body)

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
permissionsYesObjectSetting collection

Data Structure of permissions

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
customer_createNoBooleanWhether to receive customer create events
customer_updateNoBooleanWhether to receive customer update events
customer_destroyNoBooleanWhether to receive customer destroy events
organization_createNoBooleanWhether to receive organization create events
organization_updateNoBooleanWhether to receive organization update events
organization_destroyNoBooleanWhether to receive organization destroy events
im_sub_session_closeNoBooleanWhether to receive session close events
shut_queue_createNoBooleanWhether to receive queue abandon events

Return Data

Attribute NameTypeDescription
codeIntegerExecution result code, 1000 represents success
permissionsObjectModified setting collection, same structure as parameters


curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/set_permissions?email=admin@udesk.cn&timestamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '
    "permissions": {
        "organization_update": true,
        "organization_destroy": true,
        "customer_create": true,
        "customer_update": true,
        "customer_destroy": true,
        "im_sub_session_close": true,
        "shut_queue_create": true


  "code": 1000,
  "permissions": {
    "organization_create": true,
    "organization_update": true,
    "organization_destroy": true,
    "customer_create": true,
    "customer_update": true,
    "customer_destroy": true,
    "im_sub_session_close": true,
    "shut_queue_create": true

Code Error Code Description

Error CodeMessage Informationexception:Message InformationDescription
2000Unknown errorsorry you entered an incorrect valueRequired parameter {content_type} is missing or has an incorrect value
param is missing or the value is empty: permissionsRequired parameter {permissions} is missing or empty