
Hello, welcome to use the Udesk field push function.

Basic Usage

Step 1: Configure the fields that support push

Log in to the Udesk customer service system administrator account, go to Management Center -> Management -> Field Push, and configure the basic properties.

Step 2: Use field push

Edit the configured fields to trigger the field push function.


URL Protocol

The field push URL currently only supports links with the HTTPS protocol.

Supported Fields

Ticket custom fields and customer fields. The field push request method is POST.

Data Push Explanation

The Udesk system will listen for changes in the set field values. For text box type fields, the initial value is recorded when the cursor enters, and after losing focus, the value change before and after is compared. If there is a change in value, the field push setting interface is called. For drop-down type custom fields, value changes trigger the field push function.

It can also be set to push fields when there are new sessions in the call center popup and IM.

Push Parameter Explanation

Custom Fields

Parameter NameTypeValueDescription
TextField_xxxStringStringText type custom field
SelectField_xxxArray[{value: "0", text: "Beijing"}, {value: "0", text: "Haidian"}]Array nested JSON

Customer Fields

Parameter NameTypeValueDescription
nick_nameStringStringCustomer name
cellphoneArray[{content:'159xxxx'},{content:'159xxxx',id:'123'}]Phone number array, trigger on phone change
emailString'udesk@udesk.cn'Trigger on main or secondary email change
other_emailsArray['udesk@udesk.cn','udesk2@udesk.cn']Trigger on main or secondary email change
organization_idStringStringCompany ID
tagsString'tag1,tag2'Comma-separated tag names
organizationString'XXXXX Company'Company name
owner_group_idNumberOwner group ID
owner_idNumberOwner ID

Ticket Fields

Parameter NameTypeValueDescription
subjectStringTicket subject
contentStringTicket content
customer.open_api_tokenStringCustomer token
customer.weixin_openidStringCustomer WeChat open ID
customer.weibo_openidStringCustomer Weibo open ID
customer.web_tokenStringCustomer web token
customer.sdk_tokenStringCustomer SDK token
customer.emailStringCustomer email
customer.cellphoneArrayCustomer phone number
assignee_idNumberAssignee ID
agent_group_idNumberAgent group ID
priority_idNumberPriority ID
status_idNumberStatus ID

Other Parameters

These parameters appear under specific circumstances.

Parameter NameTypeWhen it appearsDescription
phoneNumberStringPopupIncoming or outgoing phone number
web_tokenStringNew session in IM via web
weixinsArray<String>New session in IM via WeChat
weibosArray<String>New session in IM via Weibo
sdk_tokenStringNew session in IM via SDK
weixin_minisArray<String>New session in IM via WeChat Mini Program
im_sub_session_idnumberNew session in IM, client editing in IM workspace
wechatJsonCurrent IM session and WeChat public account push informationappid: WeChat official account ID; customer openid
newweiboJsonCurrent IM session and Weibo push informationappid: Weibo account ID; customer ID
wechat_minisJsonCurrent IM session and WeChat Mini Program push informationappid: Mini Program official account ID; customer openid

Value Sending Example

			subject:'Field Push'

		phoneNumber: 'xxxxxxx',  // Only in popup
		web_token: 'xxxxxx' // New session in IM via web
		wechat: {
			appid: 'xxxxxx', // WeChat official account ID
			openid: 'xxxxxx' // Customer openid
		newweibo: {
			appid: 'xxxxxx', // Weibo ID
			openid: 'xxxxxx' // Customer ID
		wechat_minis: {
			appid: 'xxxxxx', // Mini Program official account ID
			openid: 'xxxxxx' // Customer openid

Receiving Parameter Explanation

Custom Fields

Parameter NameTypeValueDescription
SelectField_xxxArray['0','1']Option ID array

Ticket Fields

Parameter NameTypeValueDescription
subjectStringStringTicket subject
contentHtmlRich TextTicket description
customer_idNumNumberTicket customer ID
priority_idNumNumberPriority ID
status_idNumNumberStatus ID
tagsStringStringComma-separated tag names
agent_group_idNumNumberAgent group ID
assignee_idNumNumberAssignee ID, and assignee need to be associated

Customer Fields

Parameter NameTypeValueDescription
nick_nameStringStringCustomer name
cellphones_attributesArray['159xxxx','159xxxx']Phone number array, trigger on phone change
emailString'udesk@udesk.cn'Trigger on main or secondary email change
other_emailsArray['udesk@udesk.cn','udesk2@udesk.cn']Trigger on main or secondary email change
organization_idStringStringCompany ID
tagsString'tag1,tag2'Comma-separated tag names
langString'zh-cn'Customer language code
owner_group_idNumNumberOwner group ID
owner_idNumNumberOwner ID
levelStringvip/normalCustomer level

Response Value Example

		code: 1000,  // Success
		error:''     // Error message
			subject:'Field Push'
		code: 1000,   // Success
		error:''     // Error message