
<!-- # CEM JS-SDK Technical Documentation -->


CEM JS-SDK is a web development toolkit provided by Udesk for web developers.

By using the CEM JS-SDK, web developers can leverage the capabilities of the Udesk CEM system to provide users with a high-quality web experience.

This document introduces how to use the CEM JS-SDK and related precautions for web developers.

Getting Started

Integrating JS-SDK

Place the following code between the <head> and </head> tags of the page that needs integration to complete the installation of the page JSSDK code. Please note that initialization (authentication) is required before use.

<!-- CEM JS-SDK Reference, More into at https://developer.udesk.cn/cem/jssdk -->
<script type='text/javascript'>

    udcem('init', {
        projectId: 0,
        appId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        // Signature parameters here
<!-- End CEM JS-SDK Reference -->

Initialization (Authentication)

udcem('init', { projectId, appId, nonce, timestamp, customerToken, sign });

Parameter Description

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
projectIdNumberUnique project IDYes
appIdStringAPPIDYesObtain from [Feedback Center > Research Management > Find Target Project > Management > Release Settings > JS-SDK]
nonceStringRandom numberNoA dynamic random number is more secure than a static one
timestampStringTimestampNoCurrent timestamp (13 digits milliseconds), valid for 5 minutes
customerTokenStringUnique customer identifierNoUnique customer identifier, recommended to use email, mobile number, etc.
Only supports letters, numbers, and underscores; special characters are disabled
signStringEncrypted signatureNoTo ensure security, it is recommended to perform encryption signature algorithm on the backend to prevent data leakage or tampering

Encryption Signature Algorithm

The encryption signature algorithm has a validity period of 5 minutes. Recalculate the signature when it expires, and use the setData method to reset the parameters.

  1. Concatenate characters according to the parameters and order behind, in the form of key=value&: nonce, timestamp, customerToken, appKey
    Get appKey from [Feedback Center > Research Management > Find Target Project > Management > Release Settings > JS-SDK], using JavaScript code as an example:
sign = nonce=value&amp;timestamp=value&customerToken=value&appKey
  1. Calculate the SHA1 hash value of the concatenated string:
sign = sha1(sign)
  1. Convert the string to uppercase:
sign = sign.toUpperCase()
  1. Example
sign = "nonce=694db2645b3f69a8&timestamp=1850000000000&customerToken=xxxx@udesk.cn&b476f9f8-5309-4d0a-a2d4-af08c4507a15";
sign = sha1(sign);
sign = sign.toUpperCase();


udcem('init', {
    projectId: 0,
    appId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    nonce: '694db2645b3f69a8',
    timestamp: '1850000000000',
    customerToken: 'xxxx@udesk.cn',

Setting Data

Consistent with init method parameters, used to switch projectId and appId, and the expiration of the signature algorithm, etc.

udcem('setData', { projectId, appId, nonce, timestamp, customerToken, sign });

Sync Data

This method will synchronize transaction (transaction details), transaction type, customer, employee, and other data to the server. Please use it with caution. Control the call frequency when calling.

udcem('syncData', { data: { [trade], [tradeType], [user], [member], [projectId], [appId] } }, success, fail, complete);

Parameter Description

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
dataObjectIncoming dataYes
data.tradeObjectTransaction/order dataNoSee below
data.tradeTypeObjectTransaction typeNoSee below
data.memberObjectCustomer dataNoSee below
data.userObjectEmployee dataNoSee below
data.projectIdNumberUnique project IDNoIf not passed, it will be found from the parameters passed in init
data.appIdNumberAPPIDNoIf not passed, it will be found from the parameters passed in init
successFunctionSync data success callbackNoSee example
failFunctionSync data failure callbackNoSee example
completeFunctionSync data completion callback (will be executed whether successful or not)NoSee example

trade Transaction/Order Data - Parameter Description

Used to create transactions/orders.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
tradeNoStringUnique transaction numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
organizationNoStringDepartment/store numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
amountReceivableStringAmount receivable (in yuan)No
amountReceivedStringAmount received (in yuan)No
tradeTimeStringTransaction date, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssNo
operateNormalUserNoStringEmployee numberYes
tradeDetailListArrayList of transaction detailsNoParameters see below


Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
tradeDetailNoStringUnique transaction detail numberYes
organizationNoStringDepartment/store numberYes
tradeNoStringUnique transaction numberNo
productNoStringUnique product numberNo
tradeTypeNoStringUnique transaction type numberNo
unitPriceStringProduct/unit price (in yuan)No
numberNumberNumber of products/itemsNo
amountReceivableStringSubtotal receivable (in yuan)No
amountReceivedStringSubtotal received (in yuan)No

tradeType Transaction Type - Parameter Description

Used to create transaction/order types.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
tradeTypeNoStringUnique transaction type numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
organizationNoStringDepartment/store numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
nameStringType nameNo
descriptionStringType descriptionNo

member Customer Data - Parameter Description

Used to create customers.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
memberNoStringUnique customer numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
organizationNoStringDepartment/store numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
nameStringNameYesMaximum length of 128 characters
idCardStringID card numberNo
birthdayStringDate of birth, format: yyyy-MM-ddNo
addressStringHome addressNo
mobileStringMobile numberNo
genderNumberGender (1-male, 2-female)No
joinTimeStringCreation time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssNo
wxMemberListArrayWeChat information listNoSee below


Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
appIdStringCorresponding mini program/public account appidYes
openIdStringCustomer's WeChat openidYesNote: appid + openid is unique. If it already exists, an error will occur;
headPortraitUrlStringAvatar linkNo
mobileStringMobile numberNo
genderNumberGender (1-male, 2-female)No

user Employee Data - Parameter Description

Used to create employees.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
userNoStringUnique employee numberYesMaximum length of 64 characters
nameStringNameYesMaximum length of 128 characters
idCardStringID card numberNo
birthdayStringDate of birth, format: yyyy-MM-ddNo
addressStringHome addressNo
mobileStringMobile numberNo
emailStringEmail addressNo


udcem("syncData", {
    "data": {
        "projectId": 1,
        "member": {
            "address": "77 Haidian District, Beijing",
            "joinTime": "2019-06-29 17:43:23",
            "gender": 1,
            "birthday": "1989-03-07",
            "email": "admin@udesk.cn",
            "idCard": "110101198903071074",
            "memberNo": "C20170809157432",
            "mobile": "18777777777",
            "name": "Zhang San",
            "organizationNo": "000001",
            "wxMemberList": [{
                "appId": "ie982jd8jfe82",
                "city": "Xiangxi",
                "gender": 1,
                "headPortraitUrl": "https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/vi_32/Q0j4TwGTfTJibXjrTzXaQbYu7geRQKPP5ibAB9iaJzKpwDchTLjEFZStBEt45ibqoRtDhsrRllsCAdzLUZa3sXr06g/132",
                "mobile": "18777777777",
                "nickname": "Test WeChat",
                "openId": "ie982jd8jfe82d"
        "trade": {
            "amountReceivable": "9.99",
            "amountReceived": "9.99",
            "memberNo": "C20170809157432",
            "operateNormalUserNo": "1",
            "organizationNo": "000001",
            "tradeDetailList": [{
                "amountReceivable": "9.99",
                "amountReceived": "9.99",
                "number": 3,
                "organizationNo": "000001",
                "productNo": "no.33333",
                "tradeDetailNo": "3",
                "tradeNo": "17",
                "tradeTypeNo": "1",
                "unitPrice": "3.33"
            "tradeNo": "17",
            "tradeTime": "2019-06-21 10:10:11"
        "tradeType": {
            "description": "Installment",
            "name": "6 installments",
            "organizationNo": "000001",
            "tradeTypeNo": "1"
    "success": function(){ console.log("Successfully called"); },
    "fail": function(){ console.log("Failed call"); },
    "complete": function(){ console.log("End call"); }

Display Survey Questionnaire

For non-single-page applications, call at any time after initialization.
For single-page applications, execute this method after the page is mounted or when an event is triggered.

udcem('show', { [mode], [container], [projectId], [recordId], [style], [alignCenter] });

Parameter Description

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
modeStringDisplay mode: inner(embedded) or modal(modal box)NoDefault is modal display. For embedded display, pass container
containerString or ElementDisplay containerNoCSS selector or Element, used to display survey questionnaire content
projectIdNumberUnique project IDNoIf not passed, it will be taken from the parameters passed by init
appIdNumberAPPIDNoIf not passed, it will be taken from the parameters passed by init
recordIdStringSurvey record IDNoUsed to display survey results
styleObjectDisplay styleNoCustomize the style of the displayed results, see example for details
alignCenterObjectDisplay horizontally centeredNoThis parameter will center horizontally using margin auto. If it conflicts and becomes invalid, you can implement it through the style attribute
dataParamsObjectData parametersNoUsed to display dynamically configured data in the project, e.g., transaction data


// Normal display

// Display survey results
udcem('show', { recordId: 0 });

// Display custom style
udcem('show', {
    style: {
        width: '200px',
        height: '200px'

// Display after successful synchronization of transaction data
udcem('syncData', {
    "data": {
        "tradeType": {
            "description": "Installment",
            "name": "6 installments",
            "organizationNo": "000001",
            "tradeTypeNo": "1"
    "success": function(res){
        // Display survey questionnaire
        udcem('show', { dataParams: res.data });

Hide Survey Questionnaire

Parameter Description

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
containerString or ElementDisplay containerNoCSS selector or Element, used to hide the survey questionnaire content

Destroy Survey Questionnaire

For non-single-page applications, you can skip this method.
For single-page applications, execute this method when the page is destroyed.


Accept Survey Submission Success Event

udcem('onSubmitSuccess', fn({ recordId }));

Parameter Description

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRemarks
recordIdStringSurvey record IDIt is recommended to store this parameter for easy retrieval when displaying


udcem('onSubmitSuccess', function(obj){ 

Destroy Event

udcem('off', [fn]);

Parameter Description

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequiredRemarks
fnFunctionEvent handling functionNo


// Destroy a specified event
udcem('off', fn);

// Destroy all events

Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Questions

Are there compatibility issues with some browsers?

We recommend using Chrome 56+ or Firefox 58+. Other browsers may have compatibility issues.

Which systems or devices are supported?

Currently supports Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, and other systems.